domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

3º A fashion and parts of the body

This week we start a new unit. It's about fashion. Do you like clothes? How often do you buy them? Notice that "clothes" is plural. Can we say "I bought a cloth yesterday"? Yes, of course, but only if you mean "paño" or "trapo". Remember! Clothes is always plural.

Here you have a worksheet on clothes. Unfortunately, you can't watch the video but the other activities are very interesting.

Now, let's do some practice on vocabulary about parts of the body:

We have to thank for its great activities!

Now I have to tell you something: I won't go to school next Thursday and Friday (wow!) BUT here are the ACTIVITIES from your STUDENT'S BOOK YOU MUST DO. Do them in a separate piece of paper.

THURSDAY: PAGE 62, ACTIVITIES 1, 2 AND 3. To finish, make a list of clothes you can remember.
FRIDAY: PAGE 64, ACTIVITIES 2 AND 3. To finish, make a list of parts of the body you can remember.

Bye for now!

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